I'm Great With Updates
I dedicate this post to one Mr. Scalera for getting me to actually write again. Since I'm positive I have at least a once in a while reader, why not write, right? Anyway, if you're readying this, hey.
In regard to slow updates, well it's been rather busy times for me between work and marching band and school and whatever else I do. It's a hard thing to try and balance all these things. I think I manage to do a fairly decent job of it though. It seems like somebody is having a breakdown everyday around me, so I'm either not trying hard enough or managing things well. I'm not sure which, but it seems to be working out, so I'm happy. Overall though, things have been going well for me, so I can't complain.
I think another reason for my sanity is because of a revelation I had the other night. It's fairly simple, and somewhat morbid, but it feels very accurate to me, and can be said in three words:
Yes I know, not exactly a happy thing to think about, but there is all too much truth to it. Watching all these people around me just be stressed out, angry, frustrated, and whatever other words you can make up for the sensation of unhappiness, just makes you wonder why they're bothering? We all know that someday we're going to be leaving this place. We may not know to where, or how, or even why, but we know that we do. If this is the case, why would you not try to enjoy your time? If something is truly holding you back and really messing the way you function as a human, why not just free yourself from torment? I don't see any value in this attempt to be a superstar of everything. Not everyone can do everything, and not everything or anything can be done perfectly, so why not try your best and feel good about how far you get? I feel like there's a certain beauty to never being able to get something perfect, and that's half the fun in trying to get there, so why not enjoy the struggle? Even if your idea of enjoyment or fun is all that stress, you should do what makes you feel happy and right.
At any rate, I realized this, and I think it's a large amount of the reason I can say that I'm generally happy. I have no reason to NOT enjoy my time on Earth, and I'm not going to let something or somebody dictate that for me. I'll try and use every moment of my life to my own liking, and not worry because, well, hey well all die, so enjoy the ride I figure.
In other events, once I get my senior project finished, I think I'll end up migrating my blog onto my website. It's a nice feeling to know that you can be in complete control of the system which you're writing on. No need for the website being shutdown, or a complete server meltdown on somebody else's end when you can back up the DB yourself and store it somewhere. At any rate, this may not be for a few months coming still, but this is my hope. Keep an eye out for that. I've been working a great deal on my website since I've been working on my senior project so much. Basically, you can watch my project evolve on my website. Working on setting up the PHP/MySQL handled website and the bash scripting guides. It's pretty entertaining also, to say the least. I wouldn't mind spending most of my day working on that stuff, if I had a choice. Sadly, as of now it isn't really, but maybe someday soon it will be. Check out the site for that stuff (http://swainnet.zapto.org).
I'm looking forward to building a new computer finally soon too. This machine has been alright to me, and it's plenty quick for what I need to do, but I've been a little frustrated with some faulty hardware which I can't seem to identify. I figured it's about time for a new machine anyway. It's looking like it'll be an AMD X2 4200+ CPU, 1gb DDR2 memory, some type of SATAII HDD, some type of NVIDIA PCI Express video card, and maybe a few other things, totally around 800 bucks. I also plan on getting a new mp3 player soon (around 90 bucks) so I'll have some things to write about over the next couple of weeks for people to read.
Anyway, this has been a fairly long entry, so I'll end it now. Be sure to check back for more updates. Later folks.
In regard to slow updates, well it's been rather busy times for me between work and marching band and school and whatever else I do. It's a hard thing to try and balance all these things. I think I manage to do a fairly decent job of it though. It seems like somebody is having a breakdown everyday around me, so I'm either not trying hard enough or managing things well. I'm not sure which, but it seems to be working out, so I'm happy. Overall though, things have been going well for me, so I can't complain.
I think another reason for my sanity is because of a revelation I had the other night. It's fairly simple, and somewhat morbid, but it feels very accurate to me, and can be said in three words:
Yes I know, not exactly a happy thing to think about, but there is all too much truth to it. Watching all these people around me just be stressed out, angry, frustrated, and whatever other words you can make up for the sensation of unhappiness, just makes you wonder why they're bothering? We all know that someday we're going to be leaving this place. We may not know to where, or how, or even why, but we know that we do. If this is the case, why would you not try to enjoy your time? If something is truly holding you back and really messing the way you function as a human, why not just free yourself from torment? I don't see any value in this attempt to be a superstar of everything. Not everyone can do everything, and not everything or anything can be done perfectly, so why not try your best and feel good about how far you get? I feel like there's a certain beauty to never being able to get something perfect, and that's half the fun in trying to get there, so why not enjoy the struggle? Even if your idea of enjoyment or fun is all that stress, you should do what makes you feel happy and right.
At any rate, I realized this, and I think it's a large amount of the reason I can say that I'm generally happy. I have no reason to NOT enjoy my time on Earth, and I'm not going to let something or somebody dictate that for me. I'll try and use every moment of my life to my own liking, and not worry because, well, hey well all die, so enjoy the ride I figure.
In other events, once I get my senior project finished, I think I'll end up migrating my blog onto my website. It's a nice feeling to know that you can be in complete control of the system which you're writing on. No need for the website being shutdown, or a complete server meltdown on somebody else's end when you can back up the DB yourself and store it somewhere. At any rate, this may not be for a few months coming still, but this is my hope. Keep an eye out for that. I've been working a great deal on my website since I've been working on my senior project so much. Basically, you can watch my project evolve on my website. Working on setting up the PHP/MySQL handled website and the bash scripting guides. It's pretty entertaining also, to say the least. I wouldn't mind spending most of my day working on that stuff, if I had a choice. Sadly, as of now it isn't really, but maybe someday soon it will be. Check out the site for that stuff (http://swainnet.zapto.org).
I'm looking forward to building a new computer finally soon too. This machine has been alright to me, and it's plenty quick for what I need to do, but I've been a little frustrated with some faulty hardware which I can't seem to identify. I figured it's about time for a new machine anyway. It's looking like it'll be an AMD X2 4200+ CPU, 1gb DDR2 memory, some type of SATAII HDD, some type of NVIDIA PCI Express video card, and maybe a few other things, totally around 800 bucks. I also plan on getting a new mp3 player soon (around 90 bucks) so I'll have some things to write about over the next couple of weeks for people to read.
Anyway, this has been a fairly long entry, so I'll end it now. Be sure to check back for more updates. Later folks.
you finally updated man! I bet even though you didn't update much, you still got more hits then my site! but thats bound to change soon enough!
Anonymous, at 10/31/2006 5:57 PM
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